Ability to communicate. I have good ability to communicate to me.

Ability to observe. I have a bad ability to observe.

Personal motivation. I have a greater score in the personal accomplishment and in the power and affiliation to a group he is smaller.

Ability to listen. I have good ability to listen, always I put attention to which the other people tell me.

Distribution of the time. Most of the time me the passage in working in the university and the personnel. With the family almost never have time.

Styles of direction. I am in the middle of both between the preoccupation by the relation and the preoccupation by the task.


To greater I have it stress in the relative, is why almost never step time with my family. Of it follows the labor one there to him and last the environmental one.

Apart from which I am very susceptible to stress, I am type A.

My manifestations of stress are between slight and intense.

Team work. I like to collaborate much in work in equipment and the competitive in the equipment follow to second term. The first is while all we go by a same objective.
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